Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Government 2.0 - current initiatives wiki

I've just been looking at a wiki of current initiatives for Goverment 2.0 - that is, government's use of social media.

At the moment it has a heavy leaning towards US and Canadian initiatives, although there is a smattering of international efforts too. There are some great examples, including:
  • Wikis to improve internal collaboration
  • Geo-tagged images on Flickr
  • Podcasts to reach new audiences
  • Lots of use of Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, SecondLife etc etc...
Hopefully this wiki will continue to grow, and the intention is for it to eventually offer best practices. Kudos to Mike Kujawski for creating the wiki, as well as to Jose Alonso (W3C eGovernment Interest Group) for the heads-up.

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